Institute for Public Health Sciences
About the Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
The mission of the Institute for Public Health Sciences of Yeshiva University is to enhance research, scholarship and practice in public health, with a focus on behavioral sciences, chronic diseases, health disparities, and global health, in order to train the public health leaders of the future. The Institute for Public Health Sciences seeks to promote and create an environment that provides both research and training opportunities for all researchers, faculty, practitioners, and students interested in Public Health and Preventive Medicine. The IPHS enables interaction among diverse professionals, experts, and students/trainees from throughout the Yeshiva University community.

IPHS Webcasts Series
Public Health Strategies II: Potential Application to Obesity
- The Many Faces of Fat: The Obesity Epidemic: Local, National and Global Perspectives
- I am not hungry I’ll just pick: Public health behavioral and biological determinants of health
- SectionThe Zen of Fat: Socio-Ecological and Other Behavioral Frameworks to Address Obesity Research
- Does this Dress Make me Look Fat?: Assessing Obesity in Community Settings
- Perspectives on Beauty: The Swimsuit Edition
- The Cost of Fat?: Economic, Medical and Social Aspects of the Obesity Epidemic
- You are What you Eat, or are you?: Evaluation Methods for Obesity Interventions and Research Studies
- Selling them our Garbage: Examination of International Trade Policy and Obesity
- Sue Who? Litigation and Obesity
- Do as I Say not as I Do: What is the Evidence Base Used for Recommendations Related to Obesity?
- Don’t Look the Other Way: The Clinician’s Perspective
Sonia Suchday, PhD
Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Yeshiva University, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology
Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD
Head, Division of Behavioral and Nutritional Research, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health , Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, New York.
Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
Charles Swencionis, PhD
Philip M. Alberti, PhD
Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
Sonia Suchday, PhD
Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Yeshiva University, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology
Arthur Blank, PhD
Departments of Family and Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health
Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD
Head, Division of Behavioral and Nutritional Research, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health , Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, New York.
Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
February 5th, 2008
Rosy Chhabra, PsyD
Sonia Suchday, PhD
Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Yeshiva University, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology
Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
February 12, 2008
Yasmin Mossavar-Rahmani, PhD, RD
Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
February 19th, 2008
Jonathan N. Tobin, PhD
Director of Education and Training, Yeshiva University, Institute for Public Health Sciences
Professor, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, President Clinical Directors network, Inc. (CDN)
Su-Jong Kim, PhD
Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
You are What you Eat, or are you?: Evaluation Methods for Obesity Interventions and Research Studies
Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD
Head, Division of Behavioral and Nutritional Research, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health , Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, New York.
Alice Fornari, EdD, RD
Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
March 2008
Jonathan N. Tobin, PhD
Director of Education and Training, Yeshiva University, Institute for Public Health Sciences
Professor, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, President Clinical Directors Network, Inc. (CDN)
Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD
Head, Division of Behavioral and Nutritional Research, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health , Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, New York.
Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
Leslie E. Gerwin, JD, MPA, MPH
Associate Director, Woodrow Wilson School Program in Law and Public Affairs (LAPA), Princeton University
Jonathan N. Tobin, PhD
Director of Education and Training, Yeshiva University, Institute for Public Health Sciences
Professor, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, President Clinical Directors Network, Inc. (CDN)
Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD
Head, Division of Behavioral and Nutritional Research, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health , Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, New York.
Jonathan N. Tobin, PhD
Director of Education and Training, Yeshiva University, Institute for Public Health Sciences
Professor, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, President Clinical Directors Network, Inc. (CDN)
Rachel Johnson, PhD, MPH, RD
Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD
Head, Division of Behavioral and Nutritional Research, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health , Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, New York.
Charles Swencionis, PhD
Darwin Deen Jr., MD, MS
Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
April 8th, 2008
Dissecting Informed Consent Applications to Medicine and Public Health
Sonia Suchday, PhD
Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Yeshiva University, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology
Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD
Head, Division of Behavioral and Nutritional Research, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health , Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, New York.
Sponsored by:
Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
Diversity and Disparity in Health: A Two Day National Conference
Remarks on the Collaboration with the Public Health Foundation of India
Richard M. Joel, JD, President, Yeshiva University
Morton Lowengrub, PhD, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Lawrence J. Siegel, PhD, Dean, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology
Allen M. Spiegel, MD, The Marilyn and Stanley M. Katz Dean,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Vice President for Medical Affairs, Yeshiva University
K. Srinath Reddy, MD, DM, President, Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi, India
Disparities in Disparities
David G. Schlundt, PhD
Agnostic Stress and Illness Risk in Urban Youth
Craig K. Ewart, PhD
Living Large in the Black Community
Tracy Sbrocco, PhD
Disparities in Stroke and the Hip Hop Intervention
Olajide Williams, MD, MS
What is Unethical about Health Disparity
Adrienne Asch, PhD, MS
Women’s Health: Are Global Inequalities Greater Than Those for Men?
Ruth Macklin, PhD
Qualitative Methods for Trauma Research with Culturally Diverse Populations
Carl Auerbach, PhD
Diversity – Natural Selection or Innovation?
Rosy Chhabra, PsyD
Recognizing the New You: Cancer Survivors, Work and the ADA
Michael Feuerstein, PhD, MPH, ABPP
Institute for Public Health Sciences (IPHS)
September 20th, 2007 – September 21st, 2007