Sara Rosenbaum, J.D., Harold and Jane Hirsh Professor of Health Law and Policy, Founding Chair of the Department of Health Policy, Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington...

Connie M. Ulrich, PhD, RN, FAAN, Lillian S. Brunner Chair in Medical and Surgical Nursing, Professor of Nursing, Professor of Bioethics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,...

Johanna Fernández, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of History, Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY)
Balavenkatesh Kanna, MD, MPH, FACP, (Moderator), Chief Operating...

DANIEL MILLER, MD, Chief of Residency Training and Behavioral Health Integration, Hudson River Health Care, Inc., Peekskill, New York
ALISON DUBOIS, MPH, Chief Operating Office and Executive...

Sara Palomino, DNP, RN, FNP, ANP-BC (Chair), Doctor of Nursing Practice, Director of Nursing, Urban Health Plan, Bronx, NY
Daren Wu, MD, (Immediate Past Chair), Chief Medical Officer, Open...

Mary Foote, MD, MPH, Senior Medical Coordinator for Communicable Disease Preparedness, Bureau of Healthcare System Readiness, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Summary of...

Rear Admiral Sylvia Trent-Adams, PhD, RN, FAAN, Rear Admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health
A live webcast brought...

Geoffrey M. Curran, PhD
Director, Center for Implementation Research, Professor, Departments of Pharmacy Practice and Psychiatry, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Research Health...

Dr. Andrew H. Talal, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine and Director of the Center for Research and Clinical Care and Research in Liver Disease at the University of Buffalo
A live webcast sponsored...

Feygele Jacobs, DrPH, MS
President & CEO, RCHN Community Health Foundation
Vikki Wachino, MPP
Principal, Viaduct Consulting...

Ana Emiliano, MD MSc
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center
Rabih A. Nemr, MD FACS, General Surgery, Bariatric Surgery Surgeon Program, Assistant Professor...

Christine A Miaskowski, RN, PhD, FAAN
Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Department of Physiological Nursing Sharon A. Lamb Endowed Chair in Symptom Management Research, School of Nursing,...

Teresa Evering, MD, MS
Assistant Professor of Clinical Investigation, The Aaron Diamond AIDS Research, Center & The Rockefeller University, Associate Attending Physician, The Rockefeller...

Tina J. Kanmaz, Pharm.D, BCMAS, AAHIVE
Assistant Dean, Experiential Pharmacy Education, Associate Clinical Professor, St. John's University
Session Goals:
This webcast will review best...

Sandra Tilmon, MPH,
Research Manager, The Extension for Community Health Outcomes (ECHO)- Chicago, The University of Chicago
Summary of Session Goals:
Clinical providers tend to have limited...

Learn about the epidemiology, clinical presentation, treatment and long-term outcomes of infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) in the U.S. Opportunities for prevention and early intervention...

Ted W. Love, M.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Global Blood Therapeutics
Summary of Session Goals:
The goal of this session is to provide background on PCORI and discuss comparative...

Jaimie P. Meyer, MD, MS, FACP,
Assistant Professor of Medicine and Assistant Clinical Professor of Nursing, Yale School of Medicine
Summary of Session Goals:
The goal of this session is to...

Ayodola Anise, MHS,
Program Officer, Healthcare Delivery and Disparities Research program, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
Summary of Session Goals:
The goal of this session...

Enola Proctor, PhD, MSW
Director, Center for Dissemination and Implementation at the Institute for Public Health; Director, Center for Mental Health Services Research and Shanti K. Khindka...

Kelly M. Smith, PhD
Scientific Director, Quality and Safety, Co-Pi, AHRQ Guide to Improve Patient Safety in Primary Care Settings by Engaging Patients and Families

Michelle Lowes, MB.BS, PhD
Associate Attending Physician, The Rockefeller University, Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation (HSF) Board Member
James Krueger, MD, PhD
D. Martin Carter Professor...

Alina Salganicoff, Ph.D.
Vice President & Director, Women’s Health Policy, Kaiser Family Foundation
Susan F. Wood, Ph.D.
Professor of Health Policy & Management and of Environmental...

Danielle Lazar, MA, DrPh Candidate
Director of Research, Access Community Health Network
Kathleen Gregory, MBA
Principal, Kathleen Gregory Consulting, LLC...

Welcome/Open Remarks
Dennis E. Gonzalez
Acting Regional Director, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Secretary, Intergovernmental and External Affairs
VADM Jerome M. Adams,...

LJ Fagnan, MD, Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University, Meta-network Learning and Research Center (Meta-LARC),
France Légaré, MD, PhD, Director,...

Ben Kligler, MD, MPH
Co-Director of Fellowship Programs and Research Director
The Continuum Center for Health and Healing

Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD
Jonathan N. Tobin, PhD
Director of Education and Training
Yeshiva University...

Jonathan N. Tobin, PhD, FACE, FAHA
Clinical Directors Network, Inc.